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Sarasota Criminal Defense Attorneys

Case Results

  • Dropped Aggravated Battery with a Firearm
    CF 2688 - Mr. Miller's client, a retired Dentist, was arrested for Aggravated Battery with a Firearm. This particular case fell under Florida's 10/20/Life Law. Mr. Miller researched the defense issue as it applied to the facts, and decided the "Stand Your Ground" defense was clearly applicable. Mr. Miller shared his research with the prosecutor in attempt to quickly have his client's case dropped. The prosecutor ultimately decided the case was defensible and couldn't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The charge was dropped before the arraignment and Mr. Miller arranged to have the firearm returned to the client.
  • Case Dropped Aggravated Battery with a Firearm
    CF 256 - Mr. Miller's client was arrested for Aggravated Battery with a Firearm, a charge that would cause the client to be sentenced to prison if convicted. The client was accused of pointing a gun at the alleged victim's head, and a handgun was recovered by the police. Mr. Miller immediately began preparing a defense by speaking with witnesses, investigating the allegations made by the accuser, and filing motions on behalf of his client. Mr. Miller quickly provided information to the prosecutor raising doubt the incident occurred the way the police reports alleged. The prosecutor finally decided the case could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt and declined to proceed against Mr. Miller's client.
  • Case Dropped Aggravated Battery
    CF 93: Mr. Miller's client was referred to him by another client. The new client was arrested for Aggravated Battery because the alleged victim was pregnant. Mr. Miller filed a Notice of Appearance, and a Plea of Not Guilty. Once Mr. Miller was the attorney of record and could communicate with the prosecutor on behalf of his client, he pointed out inconsistencies in the police reports and provided additional information that strongly suggested the client was acting in self defense and used only reasonable force to prevent himself from being injured. The case was dropped by the State Attorney's office soon after.
  • Charge Dropped Felony
    CF 15905: Mr. Miller’s client was arrested and charged by Information with Welfare Fraud. The client had previously been convicted of a Felony and already had other criminal convictions on her record before ever retaining Mr. Miller. This type of criminal history would normally prevent a person from entering into the Pretrial Diversion Program. Mr. Miller defended the allegations and was able to negotiate the Diversion program being placed on the table for his client. All that was required of Mr. Miller’s client was that restitution be made in payments the client could comfortably afford. Once restitution is made, the charge will be dropped by the State Attorney’s Office.
  • Dropped Robbery
    CF 15850: Mr. Miller's client was arrested pursuant to a road rage incident. The client was initially arrested for Robbery. The assigned Prosecutor filed an Information officially charging Mr. Miller's client with Felony Grand Theft and Misdemeanor Battery. Mr. Miller contacted local businesses in the area where the incident occurred to see if and video footage of the physical fight existed. Mr. Miller eventually uncovered a witness that he felt would help him at trial. Before a trial began, the prosecutor offered Mr. Miller's client the diversion program, meaning all charges would be dropped against the client. The client accepted the offer and as a result, Mr. Miller will expunge his client's record.
  • Charge Reduced Felony Driving on a Suspended License
    CF 10817: Criminal Defense Lawyer Scott Miller was retained to represent his client charged with Felony Driving on a Suspended License. If convicted, the client would have spent time in jail and suffered a five year license suspension by the DHSMV. Mr. Miller ran his client's record and was able to challenge certain notice requirements. As a result, the charge was substantially reduced, no jail time was ordered, and the client was able to reinstate his license to legally drive.
  • Case Dropped Aggravated Battery and Grand Theft of a Motor Vehicle
    CF 10322: Mr. Miller’s client was arrested for Aggravated Battery and Grand Theft of a Motor Vehicle. The client was accused of shoving the alleged victim out of a moving car and driving away in a vehicle not owned by the client. After Mr. Miller reviewed in detail with his client the police reports and written sworn affidavit by the alleged victim, it became clear the prosecutor’s version of the facts were incredulous. Mr. Miller filed a written plea of “Not Guilty” and requested the Court set the case for a jury trial. The entire case was dropped by the State Attorney’s Office soon after Mr. Miller filed his pleadings.
  • Case Dropped Burglary
    CF 10231: Criminal Defense Lawyer Scott Miller was hired to represent his client arrested for Burglary. The facts of this case stem from a romantic relationship that did not end well. Based on these specific facts, Mr. Miller knew the prosecutor could not establish the necessary elements to prove a Burglary occurred beyond a reasonable doubt. Mr. Miller immediately began collecting evidence through witnesses in preparation of trial. The prosecutor declined to proceed to trial and dropped the case.
  • Charge Reduced Aggravated Battery and Possession of a Firearm
    CF 9282: Mr. Miller's client was arrested and charged by Information with Aggravated Battery and Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. The initial offer on this case by the Sate Attorney's Office was Twenty (20) years in prison. Because an active warrant was issued for the client, Mr. Miller contacted the Sarasota Sheriff's Office and worked out a date and time for the client to turn himself in without embarrassment. The client was able to bond out within a few hours of the arrest. Because this case was difficult and the prosecutor listed many people alleged to have seen the shooting, Mr. Miller enlisted the help of a private investigator (A retired Police Detective) to help him mount a defense. The investigator spoke with witnesses, found other witnesses the police either ignored or did not know about, and reviewed the crime scene to take measurements, photographs, and review the forensic expert's ballistic results. Mr. Miller determined this case would go to trial because the prosecutor's case had significant weaknesses, and the client would never agree to a prison term. Within days of jury selection, the prosecutor reduced the Aggravated Battery with a Firearm charge to Aggravated Assault (no firearm) and dropped the Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon charge entirely. Mr. Miller's client agreed to three months county jail followed by a short amount of probation, a far cry from the original twenty year prison offer.
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